Hank Landing Page Cover

Never Lose Anything Ever Again.

Hank helps you find any item with just the push of a button. No more missing keys, phones, or wallets. With Hank, you can do EVERYTHING

Something for everyone

Hank Luxury




Candy Floss


Black Panther


Easy to Use and Attach to your Stuff

Hank pairs with your device in 3 simple steps and can found with just one click! Add it to your key chain, throw it in your bag or stick it on your remote control. Enable your Bluetooth and Location services and you will never lose anything again!

Hank Bag
picture containing hank and a phone

Hank your Style!
Hank is created to
match your aesthetic
and lifestyle.

Take your personalisation a step further and name your Hank (or Hanks). You can name your hank after the item it is attached to or be creative and come up with fun names.

Save Time
Searching and Find
Stuff Fast!

A loud high pitched sound and flashing LED light makes your Hank super easy to find. Can’t find your device? Simply press the button your hank to make your phone ring…. Even when your phone is on silent mode or DND.

Hank Save Time

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I connect my hank to my phone?

Do I pay for a subscription on every individual hank I purchase?

How do I find my hank using the app?

Can one hank be connected to different phones at the same time?

Does Hank require an active internet to function?

What if my phone is on Silent or DND?

Countdown to launch







